Aaron Butler
Aaron Butler is the President of the Arizona Building and Construction Trades Council (AZBTC) and the Business Manager of Plumbers and Pipefitters, UA Local Union 469. A third-generation 469 Pipefitter, Aaron joined the Arizona Pipe Trades apprenticeship in 1994, completing his training in 1999. Demonstrating leadership early in his career, he earned his first role as a fabrication shop foreman just one year later.
Aaron has a long history of advocating for labor rights. He is deeply dedicated to UA Local 469, the union that has supported his grandfather, mother, himself, his children, and his grandchildren. His commitment and his drive to make a positive impact have propelled his career forward:
• Elected to the Executive Board (2004-2007)
• Vice President (2008-2011)
• Business Agent (2011-2014)
• Business Manager (2014-present)
Aaron continues to lead with dedication, tenacity, and vision, with a strong focus on ensuring the prosperity of Local Union 469 and the AZBTC for future generations.